Sunday, August 10, 2008

Article 121(1A), Conversion to Islam 9.8.2008

I strongly feel against the 300 plus protesters from various different groups such as Muslim Consumer Association, PAS, GPMS and so forth.

I am writing this entry in support of Bar Council's bold decision to carry on with the forum despite it being interrupted by protesters who are religious bigots.

As much as the protesters may feel that the position of Islam has been threatened by running the forum, I actually believe otherwise.

The protesters has actually disgraced the faith of 1/5th of mankind. Islam, based on my understanding, is universal. The way the protesters were shouting, "India, Cina shut up" conjures the exclusivity that was never there during development of Islamic civilization. In fact difference of opinions is seen in the fourth source of Islam - ijtihad.

At the same I admit to concur with the statement as mentioned Adjunct Professor of Law, Dr Mehrun Siraj on NTV7 9.8.08. "Malaysia is 50 years old. If not now, when?

The behaviour portrayed by the protesters are definitely unIslamic. There were also racial slurs hurled at the ndian and Chinese minority. Isn't this against the values and traditions of Malay culture? There were more akin to people in Dark Ages.

I am willing to make a statutory declaration that no one attempted to bad mouth, insult provoke or confront Islam and its followers. It was the Muslim protesters who began the provocation.

When Archangel Gabriel delivered the first sermon to Prophet Muhammad, the first line was and is, Read in the name of God...
Relating the first sermon to this forum, had the protesters participated in the forum they would have learnt some new aspects of the law.

Alas, they did not. Instead they behaved like and are now 'jahil'.

And create a source of embarassment to the government and unto themselves in the presence of foreign dignitaries who were there.

On a larger perspective the image of Islam as a peaceful faith has been tarnished.

As for me I am clearly disturbed by this protest. It clearly shows that national unity on a community level is a mirage after all.

Reports of the forum and protest can be seen here.

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