Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Article 121 (1A) Federal Constitution

I write this in response to the Malaysiakini report, 'Sensitif' berforum isu tukar agama. It was the response of Home Minister, Syed Hamid Albar over a forum organised by the Malaysian Bar Council. While he highlighted the fact that there would be topics such as religious conversion discussed, he displayed his shallowness in the following statement.

"Saya tak tahu apa matlamatnya, apa isu kandungannya (forum), soal ini dalam negara kita ada proses dan prosedur.

"Kalau ada perkara yang kita tidak puas hati, ada forum (cara) untuk kita menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, bukan melalui perbincangan terbuka yang boleh membangkitkan salah faham atau ketegangan."

His statement indicates that he has got no inkling of an idea what the issue is about and yet he comments. Its a pity that Malaysia has a shallow Minister who interferes into issues without having full knowledge on the matter concerned.

Talking about forums, that's what premier Abdullah also claimed but he had no guts to defend forum organisers when Article 11 forums in Johor and Penang was ambushed certain Islamist groups.

Commenting on the event ABIM felt that the event is
"kurang bersesuaian dan boleh menimbulkan salah tanggapan di kalangan masyarakat."

Dear ABIM members, had you bothered to find out a little further you would have known more. For beginners, one panelist is a Syarie lawyer for JAWI who was a former Syariah court judge and the other is a Senior Fellow at IKIM. If these enlightened people can talk about it, I don't see why ABIM should make an issue out of it.

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