Saturday, July 12, 2008

Is Abdullah a reformist?

In justifying the extra two years prior to handing over power, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi reasoned the extra two years is needed not only to prepare deputy, Najib for the premiership but also for him to continue his reforms.

Lim Kit Siang is skeptical since Abdullah did not implement reforms after winning the elections with the largest percentage of vote, over 80%, in the 11th general election. Ong Kian Ming and Oon Yeoh has also shot down the motion.

In my opinion, I am sceptical that he would implement reforms simply because Abdullah Badawi is not a reformist. He has been proven himself to be a reluctant reformist. Looking back the Royal Commission on Police and Commission to enquire the Lingam tape, for instance, only materialised due to pressure from various quarters and even then recommendations has yet to be implemented.

Thus Abdullah Badawi will go down the annals of history as a reluctant reformist.

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