Sunday, September 20, 2009

ISA is abusive

The Internal Security Act cannot be used as a pre-emptive strike weapon to whomever that the state sees as a threat.

Technically the Federal Constitution is subservient to the ISA as legislators willingly molested the Federal Constitution.

What shocks me even more than that is the authorities unwillingness to release a ISA detainee simply because he can’t sing Negaraku. Its ridiculous.

Oddly enough the Singaporean terror suspect, Mas Selamat Kastari, happens to be more comfortable in detention under Malaysia’s ISA rather than the Singaporean one.

Doesn’t this prove that the government is holding on to false premises that is irrelevant to current times.

Hence, instead of getting more feedback from the so called public, it is best that the government provide the bite for Suhakam and implement their recommendations as a first step.

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